Directions to the Winter Speed and Agility Camp (B-Side Auxiliary Gym)
Follow 100E (towards Gibson Island) all the way to the end where it merges onto 177E (Mountain Road)
Follow Mountain Road until you reach Chesapeake High School and make a left and go up the hill.
Once you reach the top of the hill of the school entrance make a left at the fork (towards the high school)
Continue on the road closest to the right side of the high school. When you get to the softball field make a right and once you see the baseball field follow the road up towards the middle school. Park in that parking lot around the back of the middle school. Once you park you walk to the steps that lead to the four doors with the glass windows above the doors. The last door should be open. The auxiliary gym is down the hall directly straight from the doors and the door to the gym is to the left.

Summer Speed and Agility Camp Directions:
Mondays at Chesapeake High Schools Stadium Turf Field:
Directions from 100:
- Follow 100E (towards Gibson Island) all the way to the end where it merges onto 177E (Mountain Road)
- Follow Mountain Road until you reach Chesapeake High School the stadium on on your left.
Wednesdays at the Chesapeake Bay Middle School Tennis Courts:
- Follow 100E (towards Gibson Island) all the way to the end where it merges onto 177E (Mountain Road)
- Follow Mountain Road until you reach Chesapeake High School and make a left uphill towards the schools.
- To get to the tennis courts (Where we will have most of our Wednesday workouts):
- When you turn left from Mountain Rd. and go up the main school entrance make a right at the fork (towards the middle school).
- Once you go down the hill stay up and to the far left and go towards the far left side of the front of the middle school. Take the small black paved road to the left which takes you to the left side of the middle school. You will see a field to your left and the tennis courts straight ahead. We will start our workouts in the set of tennis courts furthest down from where you turned left on the small black paved road to go around the left side of the school.